۱۸ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۴ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 8, 2024
Ayat Javadi

Theology helps jurisprudence and principles with its rational arguments and seals the pen so that we do not say any kind of words, of course entering into Islamic Scholastic Theology topics should be thoughtfully considered because these topics are precise and forbidden for many, because here the atmosphere is one of understanding and reasoning.

Hawzah News Agency- Senior Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli delivered a speech in a gathering of the members of Jafari Cultural Foundation on Tuesday, November 28, and stated,” The topics of monotheism, prophetology, determinism, and theological topics should be given importance in the Islamic seminary, and it is necessary to address Islamic Scholastic Theology in the seminary.”

He said,” Theology helps jurisprudence and principles with its intellectual proofs and seals the pen so that we don't make any haphazard remarks. entering this space is forbidden for many, because this is the space of understanding and reasoning.”

The Shia source of emulation further stated,” A clear statement has been quoted from the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) that the worst enemy of man is within himself, one must control the enemy within, that is lust, because it is not like a disease that affects only the human body; but this ego does not only dishonor a person, it does not leave a person, and therefore we must always be careful with our pen and speech as well as our actions and behavior.”

Stating that theology and rational criteria should be spread in the Islamic seminary, the Grand Ayatollah noted,” We want an imam before the society and the country wants an imam, but our imam is not science, rather it is reason; Let us understand the intellect and not refer to imagination as intellect, as some do, so it is that the late Koleini at the end of his introduction to Sharif's book makes a noteworthy statement that the cultural foundation of a nation is intellect.”


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